Robert Pattinson Talks 'Water For Elephants' With Ellen

Robert Pattinson will make an appearance on The Ellen Show tomorrow (May 19th) and looks like one of the things he talks about with Ellen is his upcoming project Water for Elephants. As we all know this is the reason behind that new haircut - although Rob gives us another reason, "nits" - and he is set to begin filming this Thursday.

*** An audience member was blindfolded and instructed to “feel up” three guys to guess which one was Pattinson. She got it wrong.

*** Pattinson told the host he begins shooting Water for Elephants with Reese Witherspoon on Thursday.

*** He jokingly told DeGeneres he got a haircut because he had “nits.” She told him that Americans call them “lice.”

*** Also in jest: Pattinson said People magazine got it wrong — he’s more beautiful than Julia Roberts.

*** Will Smith gave Pattinson advice about presenting at the Oscars: “Don’t try and be funny.” Wait until you’ve done it 6 times.


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