Robert Pattinson Mentions 'Bel Ami' in Premiere (France) Magazine

P: Regarding Bel Ami, you know that French peo­ple will be waiting with this movie with a knife between their teeth…

RP: I’m aware of that, believe me. I would never have the courage to do promo for this movie in Paris I’m so stressed. I met Mar ion Cotil lard dur­ing a party before film ing began and I asked her to read the script care fully because there was a per fect role for her. She asked me: “Why make Bel Ami in Eng lish? It’s weird isn’t it?” At that moment I under stood how the film will be received in your coun try. I hope it will suc ceed and that you will be open minded about it. What impresses me is that the book is not well known else where. I only dis cov ered it after read ing receiv ing the script and it imme di ately became one of my favourite books.


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